Monday, May 13, 2013

1985 Prejudgment Day

You go through life and blithely develop certain attitudes and perceptions, most of them based on belief. Prejudged things. And of course, prejudged is another way of saying prejudice.
Take coffee. You'd think dark roast is stronger wouldn't you? Harder on your stomach. Loaded with caffeine. In fact, the reverse is true. Dark roast coffee, which comes from roasting the beans longer, contains higher levels of a compound that actually slows the stomach's production of irritating acid. And yes, darker roasts have less caffeine.
Then there's the coffee filter thing. I remember back in the 80s when I bought my first metal screen filter. I did so to cut back on the use of paper. And because white paper filters were supposedly loaded with dioxin.
Turns out mesh filters aren't as good at removing something worse. A substance coffee has, called cafestol, which can raise cholesterol levels in your blood. And if you're still on the French Press kick, watch out. French Press coffee has enough cafestol to raise your blood cholesterol by 8%.
A great way to start your morning. With a steamy cup of cholesterol-raiser.
The other odd prejudice I found in myself the other day was when I heard about the religious strife in Myanmar. Seems as the Dictatorial Junta has pulled back and allowed more freedoms, some folks are using that freedom to massacre each other. Notably, another religious group has taken to massacring Muslims. And the group that's doing it are Buddhists. That's right, violent rampaging Buddhists.
What? Buddhists are supposed to be members of the most non-violent of religions. Yoga and meditations and setting yourself on fire. Not setting a village of Muslims on fire.
Another prejudice shot down in flames. Cholesterol in coffee and murdering Buddhists. Someone pour me a cup of despair.
America, ya gotta love it.

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