Monday, March 18, 2013

1945 Japanties

I often bemoan the decline and excesses of culture here in the US, but that doesn't mean I don't think other countries aren't worse.
Take Japan for instance. Poor traditional conservative Japanese parents, seeing their young people find weird ways to survive a 30-year recession with very strange fads.
The latest? Teenage girls going out in public with their panties over their heads. Of course it's social media related. Sending electronic photos of themselves wearing panties as face masks. Recently they've even been showing up at school and clubs in such la-scivvy-ous attire. One can only hope they are new panties and not those who have seen ordinary wear and tear.
The fad is apparently based on a comic book character, the Abnormal Superhero, who also wears ladies' undergarments as a mask.
No word whether on cold days they wear long underwear. Nor whether it's safer for visibility reasons to drive with crotchless panties. When asked about the fad, one girl reportedly replied, "What's thong with that?"
What do you wanna bet it's not long before a fad co-opting entrepreneur comes up with a targeted product called Japanties?
Still, it's better than eating dirt. Another Japanese cultural aberration is the restaurant opened by a chef that serves dishes which include the featured ingredient of dirt. And no, it's not just a filthy kitchen. He actually serves "soil soup" and a light "soil sorbet." There's also a "sweet dirt gratin." What, no mud pie? He charges $110 for a six-course meal so apparently it isn't cheap as dirt.
He says his dirt is filled with healthy minerals. Then again, so is dog urine. He also screens his dirt for undefined "harmful" substances.
Why bother? Just sift the larger clods through your mesh panty facemask.
America, ya gotta love it.

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