Monday, March 04, 2013

1935 Tan-splosion

There was a story recently of an unfortunate young girl who was in the hospital for cancer treatment and came running out of her room because her shirt was on fire. The hospital speculated it may have been caused by an unlikely combination of hand sanitizer and static electricity.
The girl suffered third degree burns, so it's no laughing matter. Not the sort of treatment she had a right to expect at the hospital. But it's a sad reminder of how much of what we take for granted can hurt us. A sanitizer used to kill bacteria catches flame and kills everything else.
I'm sure the TSA will now forbid us from bringing Purell and balloons aboard airplanes.
Or maybe tanning lotion. In a little publicized recall back in October of 2012, Banana Boat took back numerous tanning products… because they were exploding.
The recall was for 23 varieties of Banana Boat UltraMist, "due to the risk that the lotion can ignite when exposed to open flame." One more reason not to smoke and tan on the beach. Even though all that sand seems like a giant ashtray, pay attention to that whole bursting into flame warning. Remember, tanned, not charred.
Perhaps they should include that on cigarette packages too. "Caution, smoking has been shown to ignite Banana Boat lotion. Do not light up cigarettes while tanning."
Not so funny. Actually Banana Boat's own UltraMist label warns: "Do not use in the presence of flame or spark. Keep away from sources of ignition --- no smoking."
Smokers think they should set up a different tanning area away from other sunbathers. Why should their smoking be interfered with by folks looking to destroy their skin?
Secondhand tanning lotion use can be deadly.
America, ya gotta love it.

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