Monday, April 15, 2013

1965 Silo Down

It's interesting how words suddenly find popularity and burst into common usage. We humans are herd animals and we often get led down odd paths.
And sometimes when we do, we get silo-ed. That's a fad word I noticed recently. Various people describing how we've partitioned ourselves off. How folks of similar sensibilities are grouping themselves into smaller herds and walling themselves off from people they don't agree with. Those people are supposedly silo-ed. The walled in, not the walled out.
Not sure exactly what it means. Are you in a grain silo? Or a missile silo? And when did a grain or missile storage tower start to mean walled fortress? Or sequestered sanctuary?
Then there's the word YouTube used as a verb. I heard someone asking someone else how they had self-learned something. "Did you YouTube it?" She asked. We don't look something up anymore. We Google it. And we don't consult a learning manual. We YouTube it.
The last word fad I'm already sick of is very popular since the laws passed last fall in Washington and Colorado states. The term is "recreational marijuana."
Do we make that distinction with alcohol? No. I don't remember anyone saying "recreational alcohol." I have heard people saying they only take a drink for medicinal purposes. That is distinction enough. Why not simply say medicinal marijuana for the prescribed kind and then just marijuana for all other usages?
And really, "recreation" is meant to describe things we do to take a break from humdrum existence in our silos and have fun, but it's also frequently used to describe things we do for exercise. Where you get out, move around, and generally flex the old musculature.
Tightly gripping a bong and doing deep breathing exercises doesn't count.
America, ya gotta love it.

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