Wednesday, April 03, 2013

1957 E-Stalker

I'm getting really tired of computers intruding in my computer usage. Like companies who have once shared my computer bugging me with their little bugs.
I once had Java. Their was a security issue so I removed it. But if you don't use a special program to totally eradicate every last trace of it in the bowels of your computer, some little lifeline program comes back and keeps reminding you to please please please take them back. Like a jilted lover who turns into a stalker.
So without fail, every morning when I fire up the computer, my Java stalker activates a plea to take it back, in a little window asking to take over my computer. Sure ex-lover. Since you asked. Love to have you come in and housesit on your own for awhile and rifle all my private belongings.
Another cyber-stalker is McAfee. I don't know how long ago I replaced them with another security system. Certainly before their paranoid owner was caught doing not very secure things in Central America. I've caught his paranoia. Even though I don't believe officials from Belize are out to kill me, nor am I writing a graphic novel to tell my story, I still think his security program is hounding me.
It's making me feel insecure.
Lastly, creepy voyeur programs, quit following me around the web when I buy something. I totally hate when I've just bought something online elsewhere and up pops an ad on another webpage offering a coupon or discount on it.
I just damn bought it for cripes sake!
And I bought a year's supply. So 15% off my next purchase is not a timely offer. And it just made me hate your product and never want to buy it again.
As the giant said to Jack: "Stop stalking me!"
America, ya gotta love it.

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