Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1848 Beneficial Code

I write a lot about technological changes. Because it's like they drop out of the sky on a daily basis. Take QR Codes. Those little black-and-white stamps that now appear on everything.
You capture them with your smartypants phone and they instantly deliver your consciousness to a website or video that tells you all about something. A QR Code, stamped on the packaging of a salmon filet perhaps, will lead you to a firm in Denmark that's declaring a salmonella alert on it. Very quick, very updatable to the QR Code placer. Who cares if it robs objects of their beauty like a badly placed homemade tattoo.
I would like some sort of technology like that for flight insurance. Some app that would bing your beneficiary's phone and let them know that in fact they are a beneficiary. How much flight insurance do you think goes unclaimed? I took some out recently when I flew to Minnesota. Somehow doom and carnage entered my mind when I contemplated flying across the Great Plains. Must have been that Children of the Corn story.
In any event, I wondered when I took out the insurance how my beneficiary would ever know. Does the insurance company really care? Who's checking on them? Should I call my son?
"Oh, by the way, if I crash and die there's a policy with Fly By Night Insurance Company with a survivor benefit in your name. Have a great day."
That's why an app for his phone would be cool. "Ping!" it would go, and a little angry birds-like animation would show smoking airplane shrapnel, a flaming father, and dollar signs dropping from the sky.
And a QR Code he can tap on for the beneficiary website.
And PayPal account.
America, ya gotta love it.

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