Thursday, October 18, 2012

1845 Digital Musicians

Used to be if folks thought someone was good with an instrument they'd say he's handy, like with a flugelhorn perhaps. Or has a nice hand for the violin. Now a person is a good musician if he can handle the world of digits. As in digital technology.
That's good, I suppose. Things having to do with computers and keyboards have touched every cranny of our society. I find that weird. Especially when I read the web address of certain things out loud. Like, "Check Lumbering Products dot com slash Thurston County." Or "Medieval Weaponry dot com slash saber."
That "slash" sounds so violent. Is there a different key we can use? How about the tilde? Tucked up in the upper left of the keyboard, no one uses the tilde for anything. And it sounds downright melodious. "Check musicians with digital names dot com tilde Maroon 5.
Works for me.
Speaking of which: That's just one more indicator things have moved in the digital direction---digital groups. Like Matchbox Twenty. It sort of implies they signed up late for their AOL account doesn't it? Matchboxes one through nineteen were taken.
Not nearly as late as Blink 182 though. Talk about behind the trend. Or maybe they just couldn't see their way to controlling the keyboard correctly. They were blinking so damn much.
At least they could see the keyboard. Not as bad as Third Eye Blind. Maybe they should go to the optometrist 3 Doors Down and have it looked at. Then again, blind musicians have done fine through musical history, digital or otherwise.
You still need to be handy. So if you want to be a really good digital musician I suggest you avoid Nine Inch Nails. You could slash your keyboard wires.
America, ya gotta love it.

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