Thursday, October 11, 2012

1840 Survival Shopping

I was reading an article in my Costco magazine recently---I know, I know, normally I just look at the pictures---when I chanced on an interesting product. A whole year's worth of food.
Apparently, survivalism has reached a new plateau, and not just in the mountains of Idaho. It's now so popular you can buy products for it at Costco. Costco, as we know, is pretty savvy about what items they offer. They stick with the guaranteed sellers, shave some money off full retail, and pump it out in quantity.
I guess it's because disasters are becoming more common. The item I saw was called Shelf Reliance Deluxe Emergency Food, Water, and Fuel Storage. I think they have to work on the name. Too long and not catchy enough. How about Costco-geddon?
Or Pick-A-Pack-Apocalypse?
The disaster cache contains enough grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, protein, and drinks to feed one person for a whole year with a 2000 calorie-a-day diet. Plus fuel to cook them. Of course, it's in 66 #10 cans, meaning once you open a can you'll be on that food for a while so it doesn't spoil. Could be boring.
But hey, if you ain't an epicure, what a great idea. You don't even have to go to Costco to get it. They'll deliver it for just $999. That's right, for just $2.75 a day you won't have to leave your basement to shop for food or interact with real people.
Troll living just got easier.
By way of perspective, there was another big food item on the opposite page. 144 Holiday candy towers filled with chocolates. it was $2500. Something tells me the $999 survival stash doesn't include candy.
Maybe shopping every week wouldn't be so bad after all...
America, ya gotta love it.

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