Friday, October 12, 2012

1841 Con Techy

You can make all the technological improvements you like but people will still be the contrary curmudgeons they are. Humans love to take the law in their own hands. Or break it.
Take the experience of police in Prince George's County Maryland. Which, by the way, appears to have not got the memo about the revolution. Prince George's County?
America's own little monarchy.
The police in that fine area are now setting up security cameras to figure out who's been engaging in malicious mischief. Against what? Against their speeding cameras. Apparently, six speeding cameras have been burned, shot, or vandalized by angry drivers. Police say this has resulted in a loss of safety to the community. Well yeah, nothing like drive-by shootings to decrease safety.
Actually, the police meant the speeding that's resulted.
Everyone is wondering who's going to prevent the new security cameras from also being shot out. Maybe they did get the memo on the revolution after all.
Speaking of technology, I was calling my credit card company the other day about a new card, and the automatic processing voice asked for the last four numbers of my Social Security number to activate and validate it. Pretty slick, I thought, but then I realized something. I've had that same question asked for a variety of verification procedures, many of them financial.
So really, all an identity thief needs to know is those same last four numbers. Along with my name and address. If verifiers never ask for the other five numbers they may as well not exist. At least if someone’s stealing my identify on the phone.
I suppose they could build a vocal frequency lie-detector into the automated phone processor.
But I'm guessing some contrary criminal will find a way to shoot that down too.
America, ya gotta love it.

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