Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1517 Comic Fulfillment

Using increasingly refined techniques, astronomers are turning up ever-smaller planets. They recently discovered one in what they call the Goldilocks Zone. It actually made me think of a different mythical character.
The Goldilocks Zone is, as you might expect, the zone that is "just right." Not too hot, not too cold, and presumably with the ingredients for edible porridge.
Actually, it's at the temperature where water can exist in a liquid state. The planet they found is called Gliese 581d, and it orbits a red dwarf star about 20 light years away from us.
Relatively close if we were able to go the speed of light. But at the speed of today's spacecraft, the trip would take about 300,000 years. Bring some comic books.
The discoverers warn us not to get too excited though, Gliese 581d would be a pretty strange place to live. It has a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, so you'd have to have super-developed lungs, and it would be pretty dark with its murky red light, so you'd need very acute vision. Not only that, the planet is seven times the mass of earth so you'd have to be pretty strong to even stand up. Creatures living there would most likely have pretty thick skins.
So if someone does live there, and the red dwarf implodes and they have to venture to earth, those traits would confer a little advantage.
Yep. They could jump higher, see better, and be more resistant to impacts of projectiles. Why, they'd be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap buildings in single bound...
Great Scot! Scientists have just made all my comic book dreams come true. This planet's not Gliese 581d.
It's Krypton!
America, ya gotta love it.

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