Friday, June 10, 2011

1512 P*ssw*rds

A security firm did a study recently to determine the most used passwords. They figured out that lots of people don't understand the principle of security. It was as if most people thought "passwords" meant you wanted people to pass.
Maybe they should rename them no-passwords.
The top eight most common passwords do tell us a little bit about our society. Number one of the list is a number. Or six of them. "123456." A great choice, and easy for a 2-year-old too.
You'd think the next one would be "abcdef" but no. It's the actual word "password." Which is kind of cool. It shows our culture breeds a lot of folk with wry senses of humor. Or a keen sense of the obvious.
The third and fourth choices are 12345678 and 1234. Again with the numbers theme.
The fifth choice is a two-word combo that amounts to seven letters. It is a profane statement that ends with "you." Hmm. Looks like there's some serious anger and despair boiling below the surface of cyberworld.
Number six on the list is 12345. If it's starting to seem as if we as a people are lacking in imagination, remember these are just the most common ones. Creative ones would by definition be farther and fewer between.
Maybe even in a fantasy world, because seventh on the list is "dragon." As there is no "cowboy" on the list, or "romance", it looks like the dungeons and dragons sub-culture is more computer friendly. Add that to the anger shown in number five and we can guess where trolls come from.
Number eight at least is not a number. It's "qwerty." On the keyboard that’s right below, um, 12345.
Despair anyone?
And the password is...forget-you
America, ya gotta love it.

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