Thursday, June 09, 2011

1511 Hair Raising

You could say he got away by a hair. Except he got away with the hair. And he apparently has a way with hair as well.
An odd burglary. A sophisticated thief stole $150,000 dollars worth of human hair from a salon in Houston, Texas. What would you expect? A big hair theft in none other than Houston Texas, where they made big hair famous.
The police are combing the area for hot tips.
The salon in question specializes in expensive wigs and extensions, for which they use something called Remy hair, which is the most durable and silkiest kind. Remy hair comes from the heads of Indian women and is particularly prized and expensive. It can cost thousands of dollars for an elaborate piece.
We're not talking pigtails here.
This particular not so particularly hair-brained thief was shown on security cameras bypassing the cash register and synthetic wigs and going straight for the good stuff. And loading up two big duffel bags full.
Duffel bags, huh? He may not have been the bad guy authorities think. Maybe he was going to sop up some oil on the Gulf Coast.
Probably not. Human hair is a hot commodity on the black market, and possibly the brunette and the blonde market too. Recently thieves lifted $10,000 worth from a San Diego salon, parted a place in Missouri City, Texas from $85,000 worth, and removed a volume valued at $60,000 from an extension outlet in San Leandro, California.
Leaving their short-haired customers stranded.
Needless to say, extension extending hair purveyors are pulling their hair out in dismay, not to mention getting completely wigged out.
The thieves, meanwhile, are charging two to three times as much as the original retailers.
Yep, they're not just hair thieves, they're scalpers.
America, ya gotta love it.

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