Monday, June 06, 2011

1509 Tattoodlin

I wrote recently about the advent of textual tattoos. And I ventured the suggestion that shorten versions could be called tat-tweets. That got me thinking. Since, as I also reported, 33% of adults under the age of 40 have tattoos, maybe there's a whole new vocabulary we're neglecting.
Like if you were a ballet person, would you wear a tat-tutu? Perhaps.
Or if you were to sit down and write a mammoth classic novel about revolutionary times in the development of skin art and your name was Charles Prickens, would it be called "A Tale of Tattoo Cities."
When you were finally written off this mortal coil. Dead, Your last vestige of art fading from your pallid skin. Would you be buried in a tat-tomb?
What if the wound that sent you to your death was from a contaminated needle? Your tattoo artist's autoclave malfunctioning and spreading infection. The inflamed site on your skin from whence the toxins spread, the swollen part, would that be called a tat-tumescence?
When said artist was training, where did he and those like him go? Is there a tattoo school? Where one can get some tat-tutelage?
Perhaps not. Most artists train as apprentices. Learning the art with hands-on experience. Occasionally requiring the gentle guidance of a tat-tutor.
And how about when you go to a sushi place, do you get some sashimi made out of tat-tuna?
Or maybe you favor more traditional fare. A totally tattin' Thanksgiving feast featuring tat-turkey and tat-turnips on the side. With a big ole plate of oven tat-toasted tat-tater tots. Or is that tater tat-tots? Or just tater-tats.
No those are the things tattoo artists practice on.
Save room for dessert. Ice cream. There's only one for the tattoo table. You guessed it...
America, ya gotta love it.

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