Monday, November 22, 2010

1380 I Slide

The more we get technology the more we stay the same. Things like Twitter and I-pads and Facebook supposedly connect us more, but we’re the same dysfunctional people wielding these devices.
The recent story about 1.2 Billion Tweets sent and only 71% responded to shows there’s still more who want others to care than those who care. And useless, pathetic Tweets and Facebook updates don’t help. I mean really, do I actually care if you’re deciding on Mac and Cheese or a Big Mac for dinner? There ought to be a one-key response emoticon that stands for “Get a Life!”
Speaking of Big Macs, I understand Apple is coming up with a new MacIntosh slate device for Gaelic folk. They’re calling it the I-Plaid.
I-Pads and smartphones have also brought back a briefly forgotten side of human nature. Or at least made it more portable. The other day this person showed me pictures of her family’s last trip to Walla Walla. She did it with her I-pad. Not long after, this guy showed me a very long video on his smartphone of a trip he took. Amazing that all that data could be packed into a little phone.
Unfortunately I felt trapped. Watching his video at a party with a lot of other stuff going on. Me and about three other guys looking over his shoulder as he held up his phone. And I thought, dude, this experience is familiar.
It’s like being invited over to the neighbors to watch this excruciatingly long slide show of his most recent family vacation. Except now, you can’t just be trapped in his family room. You can be trapped anywhere.
Technology rises, or sinks, to the level of humanity. Smartphones don’t bore people. People bore people.
America, ya gotta love it.

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