Friday, September 24, 2010

1340 Cheap Help

About 40 years ago, the wealthiest people in America, the top 1%, took in 9% of the nation’s income. Today the top 1% take in 23.5% of total income.
Glad someone got a raise recently.
And with all that extra income, I bet they’d appreciate a tax cut. Maybe if they do, Rupert Murdoch and his media bullies will agree to stop standing in the way of the recovery.
Sir Rupert stands at the tippy-top of the top. The grand poobah or Fox Entertainment, the company that’s destroying our morals, and Fox News, the company that’s destroying our political bipartisanship.
Rupert’s spin machine can turn any semi-positive consumer-confidence-building economy-improving news story into a flurry of accusations and finger-pointing. Maybe his real goal is to destroy the American economy and put his native Australia on top. More likely just himself.
But his minions sure seem to be good at taking care of another problem. That whole pesky immigration thing. The number of illegal immigrants heading into the US has plunged from 850,000 a year to just 300,000 a year. Not only that, some of them who are already here are leaving. Since 2009, the number of illegals living in the US has declined from 12 million to 11 million.
Man, you know your economy’s bad when even impoverished people from Guatemala and Nicaragua don’t want to live here.
But the great conspiracy is working. They hate illegal immigration so much they finally found the perfect way to stop it. Totally crater the economy. It took them 12 years of being in power to do it, but gosh darn it, this economic apocalypse they brought about worked.
It got the very rich richer and the very poor going back to South America.
The only casualty so far is Middle America.
America, ya gotta love it.

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