Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1337 Techno-dilemmas

I wrote yesterday about the techno-dilemma caused by the new move to make biomass a fuel. Burning wood seemed so stone age.
But we have to do something. The prospect of another BP oil spill is pretty darn scary too. And screw-ups can happen in any industry. Murphy’s Law particularly likes technology. So what if the equivalent of a BP oil spill happened in the biofuel industry? The one that makes corn ethanol?
“Oh my gosh, there’s a giant corn spill! They’s chickens everywarr… And they’sa grinnin’”
And I tell you, it isn’t just fuel technology that’s suspect. My new Bluetooth for my phone only works about nine times out of ten. The rest of the time it fails to connect. Like it’s clogged or impacted or something. Maybe I need a root canal for my Bluetooth.
Sometimes I feel envious of folks with their new smartphones. Especially since I have a little old hockey puck of a phone that actually still has a stubby antenna. Then again, hearing about the new iPhone reception problems, I can at least be happy knowing my dumbphone works as a phone.
But it’s certainly interesting watching people making those swiping motions across their little smartphone screens. I saw one guy the other day making a circular swiping motion as he called one of his friends. Turns out, he’d acquired an app that made his virtual keypad into an old-fashioned circular dial. His ringtone was one of those antique rings too. He still didn’t have the dropout-free audio call quality of old Ma Bell though.
Then again, he continued his call while getting into and driving away in his car.
And that would have been hard hooked to a squiggly wire 8 feet from his kitchen wall.
America, ya gotta love it.

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