Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1333 Ryderwood

Watch out for cranky old people.
Seems the town of Ryderwood is full of them. They’re all in a dither because some of their neighbors just won a court case to be able to sell their houses to younger folks.
Ryderwood is an Adult Community. Funny how the word “adult” sounds so different depending on context. You get a whole different visual when you say the phrase “adult community” compared to “adult video store.”
In any event, Ryderwood became an unincorporated retirement community in the fifties. Some of its current newer older residents—they’ve moved there within the last 10 years—want to be able to sell out and move, but, real estate depression being what it is, they want to be able to sell to anyone, of any age.
So they just won an anti-discriminatory court battle to let them. Other residents are upset about the possibility of younger folks moving in. So they’ve been harassing the court winners.
Things like slashing their tires. One anti-agist had a mutilated rabbit hurled against his garage door. Later, another one was thrown over his fence in retaliation for his views.
Don’t get on the wrong side of a seething senior. They’ll turn their next quilting bee into a rabbit-mutilating bee.
My favorite was what one 73-year-old lady was quoted as saying. She said the town’s residents “shouldn’t have to worry about being run over by kids on bicycles.”
Sorry, I grew up in a town on its way to being a retirement community. We kids had to worry about the blind, reaction-slowed, old people running over us. Some old folks drive like they’re permanently on a cellphone.
Bike vs giant old Buick? You learned quick, or ended up looking like a mutilated rabbit.
Don’t mess with bluehairs.
America, ya gotta love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually the rest of us “shouldn’t have to worry about being run over by SENIORS on bicycles.”