Thursday, September 16, 2010

1335 Toilet Humors

The other day I was using the fixture at a public restroom when I noticed I was reading something. It was a flyer of some sort for a charity event. And it occurred to me, one of the nicest things about the new millennium is the advent of toilet advertising.
Whether you’re at the urinal or in the stall you can be regaled with someone else’s idea of what you would find interesting while you’re indisposed.
Suffering from incontinence? Here’s an ad for a Lincoln Continental.
Feeling a little loose in the caboose? How about a Taco Bell “Run for the Border” ad.
Need the can, you say? How about a can of Campbell’s Chunky?
Got an uncertain urinary urge? Would you rather see an ad for Flomax or Propel?
Really, is nothing sacred anymore? Do we have so little privacy in this world that we can’t even go to a public restroom without a pitch of some sort? Not have someone think, “Look at all that empty space going to waste, slap an ad on it.”
Toilet advertising, and they used to criticize me for toilet humor.
I think it’s the oy sound that triggers it for me. Some people call going to the toilet “going to the toi-toi” or the “toity.” Which is weird, because regular folk say rich folk are all hoity-toity. Hmmm. And rich folk say the poor folk are the hoi polloi.
But to me hoi polloi sounds like something you get at a luau. A drink to complement your plate of poi, perhaps. So if rich tourists get some tainted poi and wash it down with hoi polloi, is it off to the hoity toity?
Rim shot, please.
Toilet humor need not exclude toilet puns.
America, ya gotta love it.

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