Monday, September 13, 2010

1332 Power Red

I think I’ve figured out what’s wrong with the country. We don’t perceive our leaders as powerful. Because they stopped wearing red ties.
Back in the eighties and nineties, when the country was churning along at full tilt, our leaders wore a lot of red. The red power tie was visible on every news show.
Then, sometime in the Bush era, blue became the fashion. The blue tie, if they wore a tie at all, was all the rage. Bad move. Being red with rage is cool. Being blue with rage is like you’re pouting.
I’m gonna hold my breath ‘til I turn blue.
Red’s always been associated with sexiness in women. But researchers recently found that women think men are more sexy when wearing red. And it’s international. They showed photos of men in various clothes to women in Germany, China, and the U.S. When pictured in a red shirt, the man was deemed significantly more attractive and chosen as someone with whom they were more likely to practice procreative positioning.
But here’s the really interesting thing. Scientists have recently proven that red is more respected too. People associate red with power so much that when contestants are engaged in one-on-one sports, like tae kwon do, the referees award more points to those wearing red. In the 2004 Olympics, competitors in boxing and wrestling that wore red were more likely to win.
Sex and Power. If your tribe was in trouble, who would you want in charge? It’s time for a return to the power tie. Slap those Wall Streeters into shape. Motivate! Dress for Success over those economic troubles.
Unless it was something else from the eighties that got us on top.
Palin? Semi-Beehive?
I hope it’s not time for a return to... big hair.
America, ya gotta love it.

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