Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1308 Controlled Neglect

You’ll be happy to know that psychologists have once again determined what goes wrong with relationships. It used to be communication. It used to be arguing over money. For a while, it was about planetary dispositions.
But scientists are now telling us that all marital arguments, whether from Mars or Venus, come down to two things: One or other of the partners feels neglected, or one or other of the partners feels controlled.
And sometimes both, so be careful.
If you are going out to the tavern with the boys after work and don’t tell the wife, she’ll feel neglected because you didn’t take her and controlled because you directly affected her life negatively by not asking her.
It’s a slippery slope. She may tell you it’s because you spent the last food budget dollar on a brewsky, but what she’s really saying is that on Venus you would have bought that brewsky for her, after you asked if it was okay, so she didn’t feel controlled.
Likewise, if she plans a girls night out, it’s only natural you would feel she’s taking over the relationship by acting unilaterally and not at least asking you for your thoughts first, and neglecting you and all other Martians in the process by excluding men.
And yes, she does look fat in those jeans. Be sure not to neglect to tell her that as she leaves for the bar to do some innocent uncontrolled dancing.
Long Island Iced Teas do loosen up the dancing muscles so.
So it’s on you. The psychologists tell us you can you can make your relationships work by “demonstrating deference and expressing appreciation.”
Or you can just go have a beer with the boys.
America, ya gotta love it.

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