Tuesday, August 03, 2010

1303 Cap-socialism

Maybe the government isn’t that bad at business after all.
I know, the previous phrase is blasphemy to my righter-winged friends, and there are plenty of examples of government waste and inefficiency, but two recent ventures of the US into the world of business appear to have done fairly well.
The whole takeover of General Motors thing seems to have worked out. GM is back towards the top of the heap in worldwide sales. At least in China. Last year GM sold 1.21 million vehicles in China, a gain of over 50% from the previous year.
Maybe it helps to have the US Government State Department closing the deal. “Yeah, would you like to go in the back room and talk to my sales manager...Hillary?”
The figures are even more impressive because GM sold only 1.07 million vehicles in the US. They sold 140,000 more vehicles to the Chinese than to Americans.
I wonder what the proportion of SUVs was.
It makes me pretty confused about the whole political thing though. As far as I can tell, it appears our socialist business-owning government made a bunch of capitalist profit selling cars to communists.
Marx and Adam Smith are both rolling over in their graves.
In other good socialistic-capitalistic hybrid government news, the massive taxpayer stake in Citigroup is paying off. You may remember that during the depths of the economic cratering, and the subsequent bailout, the US acquired 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup stock in exchange for 45 billion dollars in Federal funds. Recently the US sold a bunch of them and managed to turn a profit of $2 Billion.
Buy low, sell high, the government is catching on.
Now if only they could figure out a way to invest every tax dollar more wisely.
America, ya gotta love it.

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