Wednesday, December 26, 2012

1892 Stone Old

As things age they cause different phases of understanding. Like who would have thought fifty years ago that the Rolling Stones would still be together? Or at least the vestiges of them.
But here's the interesting thing. Institutions that we used to hold as old and venerable are being eclipsed by this surprising run of rock and rolling longevity.
A recent fact: The four members of the Rolling Stones are now older, on average, than the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Stones average age is 69, the Supremes 67.
The median age of U.S. Senators is 63.
The Stones tour from '69 featured numerous cuts from the "Let it Bleed" album, which in turn features the iconic, "You can't always get what you want."
Unless of course, you want to be still touring when you're actually 69. No truth to the rumor they have a separate tour bus just for their wrinkles. These Rolling Stones may have gathered no moss, but there has been a tiny bit of erosion.
Still, I'm glad they've proven that age alone is no guarantor of judiciousness. Though I gotta say, I've love to have Mick on the High Court. Some moves like Jagger would be welcome.
Speaking of aging institutions, a funny thing happened in the Senate not long ago. Apparently Senator Mitch McConnell asked Harry Reid to bring a bill to a vote that he had earlier supported. Then he filibustered it.
Yes, ladies and gentleman, the dreaded self-filibuster.
I've never been sure who Phil is, and why he needs to be bustered, but I am pretty darn sure that committing an act of self filibuster is illegal in Kentucky.
As Supreme Mick might say, "We all need... someone... we can filibuster on...
America, ya gotta love it.

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