Monday, November 12, 2012

1862 Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, it's been in all the news. And with it all the hype only a huge once in a generation hurricane can bring. From "Frankenstorm" to "Super-Storm Sandy" people were constantly referring to it in apocalyptic terms.
New Yorkers weathered it pretty well. Mayor Bloomberg acted proactively to save lots of lives and lots of damage. Meantime here in the northwest we were having one of our normal storms with minor flooding. New Yorkers, ever snooty, had a name for it too.
Ah, the balmypocalypse.
One hard thing for me was the name the hurricane ended up with. Based on the hurricane naming system the moniker had to start with an "S" but I wish they would have come up with something a little more threatening than Sandy.
Sandy is such a pleasant name. Sandy Koufax, Sandy Dennis, Sandy Duncan. Sandys were always friendly and chipper. Sandys were on the pep squad and the prom decorating committee. You could talk to a Sandy when some other girl broke your heart and wreaked a hurricane of devastation on your teenage psyche. When the subject was rejection, she could lift you out of your topical depression. Not destructive at all.
Hurricane Sandy, also the biggest oxymoron of all time.
It was interesting to see shots on the news. Especially New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. I can say without a doubt that if there's a big wind going be blowing, he's the man I'd like to stand behind.
I was a little scared though, when he told everyone to clear out, then said even he was getting ready to evacuate. I don't know why, but I'm thinking I don't want to be in the same room when he's ready to evacuate.
An ill wind blows nobody good.
America, ya gotta love it.

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