Thursday, November 01, 2012

1855 Nuggets of Truth

Recent research into the secrets of longevity revealed a leading killer of men is not just over-drinking or over-smoking, it's lack of ovar-ies.
Well, not exactly. Ovaries aren't required, longevity actually leads from lack of testicles. Missing those two companions can supposedly add twenty years to your life. At least according to Korean researchers who analyzed the genealogical records of males who were castrated as boys to serve in the palace of the Chosun Dynasty between the late 14th and early 20th century.
Didn't the Chosun Dynasty invent an early version of chicken nuggets?
The researchers found the eunuchs lived an average of 16 to 20 years longer than their fully complemented peers. Three of the 81 eunuchs lived to be 100.
The findings support the theory that male sex hormones shorten lifespan. In contrast to estrogen, which appears to enhance longevity, testosterone seems to weaken the immune system and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Women are ten times as likely as men to live to age 110.
But is that really living? Being 105 is fine, but I'd be happy with 85 if I could have some fun for those years. And before we rush off severing gonads from boys willy-nilly, let's consider science has occasionally made a couple of mistakes from erroneous data interpretations.
Being a palace eunuch says two things: One, you are a eunuch. Two, you live in a pampered palace. Your non-pampered and fully equipped peers to whom you are being compared, have poverty hunger, war, and general mayhem to fend off to increase their average lifespan.
Not to mention occasional angry weapon-wielding jealous boyfriends.
Just saying. Don't sharpen your knife to extend your life just yet. I'd like to see more proof.
Scientists? The ball's in your court.
America, ya gotta love it.

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