Friday, March 30, 2012

1708 Graphirillos

I heard about the controversy over the new graphic photos on cigarette packs and it got me thinking. The plan, in case you haven't heard, is to try to combat decades of Joe Camel coolville advertising aimed at kids by cigarette companies.
To do so, it's been decided that cigarette manufacturers have to go far beyond the increasingly detailed printed description of the hazards of smoking, (I guess because it’s assumed kids don't read anymore) and instead display graphic pictures of the consequences of years of hacking butts.
Blackened festering lungs. Cancer eating away at flesh. Lips falling off and throats cut out and such like. It’s thought that those pictures will be so appalling that no callow youth with an ounce of common sense could possibly buy or steal a pack.
The road to disappointment and hell is paved with wishful thinking. Because kids don't smoke to be cool. They smoke to be rebellious to be cool. And the grosser the pack's pictures the more rebellious they will become.
Witness the crowd of giggling and gangly youth at any graphic teen slasher flick.
As an aside, when the federal government banned cigarette ads, They banned them on radio first. Print ads continued for decades. I wonder which advertising medium the feds find more effective? Maybe every pack should have an embedded radio message.
I'm worried about something else. What sort of precedent will this set? On any liquor bottle you purchase will you have to look at graphic and bloody photos of car crashes? Maybe a pustulated cirrhotic liver? Or on the box of your Big Mac will there be pictures of morbidly obese jiggly sallow flesh? Will your bacon package have a picture of a blocked bloody artery, dripping with gooey cholesterol?
Be careful what you wish for.
America ya gotta love it.

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