Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1705 Monkey Hear

I get the opportunity to go to a lot of public meetings. Which means I get the opportunity to hear a lot of public speakers. Or should I say public misspeakers. They sometimes come up with doozies.
Like the other day, I saw a guy talking about jobs and the economy. And he was looking right at his PowerPoint and still messed up a word.
I think it's so cool how Bill Gates and his ilk rebranded the boring A/V slideshow and converted it into the dynamic PowerPoint. Except somewhere along the line, the dynamic part got lost and it just reverted to an electronic boring slide show.
Especially since some speakers read them word for word. Thank you, Dear Speaker, but I can read the giant 3-inch letters on the screen just fine, that's why you put them up there. We don't have to read along together like "Singing Along With Mitch." If you're going to, at least add a bouncing ball to make it more fun.
In any event, the speaker was looking right at the word "median" and he pronounced it "medium." Instead of, "median family income," he said, "medium family income." So it came across as the income of a medium family rather than the median income of families of all sizes.
I saw another speaker yesterday talking about a screw up of something. He said, "It really threw a monkey into the system." Um, that's monkey wrench. It's more fun when you have a barrel of monkeys, it's bad when you throw a monkey wrench into the machinery. I had this vision of an actual monkey being thrown into a big machine.
A screw up to be sure, but much messier than a monkey wrench.
Even if you use a medium monkey.
America ya gotta love it.

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