Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1685 Fudge Factor

We humans are interesting folk. Some of the things we do seem so prevalent they must be hard-wired in our genes. Like our morality. We don't have excess amounts of it. Maybe because it seems to shrink to fit our genes.
Case in point: The other day I was slowing down for a yellow light. Easier than ever to do these days, as most intersections have countdown crosswalk lights. You can actually time yourself to the second as you approach an intersection. As I pulled to a stop with perfect timing, the fellow in the lane to my right blew through the yellow-turning-to-red.
Naturally, he only halfway made it. Fully half the time his car was in the intersection while the light was red. A jackrabbit starter coming off the green in cross traffic would have nailed him. Or worse, a perfectly legal driver timing the perpendicular intersection would have hit the green, kept going, and T-boned him.
But no. Because they've now timed the intersection so the green doesn't start until the red has been on for a couple of seconds—accommodating our shrink-to-fit morality. Good idea, much safer.
Except the yellow blowthroughers have caught on.
Humans always play the fudge factor. It's only a little bitty donut. It's just one illegal download. I'll jaywalk here where traffic's light... Those little extra sins we allow ourselves.
Case in point 2: I'm driving in a 30 MPH zone. And I'm actually going 35. They won't cite you for just five miles over the speed limit right? I guess so. The vehicle ahead of me was doing the same thing. And it was a school bus.
So if sinning becomes the social norm, is it still sinning?
Someone hand me another piece of fudge. I'm only a little over weight...
America, ya gotta love it.

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