Thursday, February 02, 2012

1668 Bridal March

The other day I had to write my commentary three times. Which was unusual, or perhaps coincidental, or perhaps ironic, or perhaps just plain spooky. Why? Because my piece was on the bridal march and weddings, and I've been married three times. I'm worried that what took place with my commentaries was an analogy for what took place with my marriages.
I had to rewrite three times because my power went out. The first time I had the piece completely written and down to the final edit. The power went out, eliminating everything. Except, thanks to the autosave feature in my Word program I was able to retrieve it. But then I screwed up and saved the wrong retrieved document. So I had to write it completely over. Not learning my lesson, I dashed off a second version of my piece, trying to hit the same ideas but improve as I go. The power went out again.
The third time I was very careful. I saved my work after every sentence. I crafted each sentence as I went. I saved after each edit. I spellchecked as I went along. Finally, I got to the place where you can settle down and reflect on how great things are. The satisfaction of a job well done. Then the power went out again.
But this time I had learned how to save, and more importantly how to save my retrieved document.
Here's where the analogy breaks down. That never happened with any of my marriages. Maybe because I write fiction.
Back to the analogy. I was eventually able to retrieve the first commentary I wrote. And when I compared rewritten-from-memory Commentary 3 to initially-written Commentary 1, they were nearly identical.
History and behavior does repeat itself.
And apparently, I have an amazing capacity to recreate drivel.
Final lesson learned: Do not write a commentary about the bridal march song.
How does that saying go? Beware the Brides of March...
America, ya gotta love it.

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