Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1235 Crater? I Hardly Know Her

I was listening not long ago to the Republicans in the state legislature talking about how disappointed they were Democrats raised taxes and didn’t make the tough budget cuts.
And how really disappointed they were that a couple of things the Dems did cut were pet items in Republican districts.
Washington State depends on a sales tax for its revenue. And sales tax depends on a good economy. And when there’s a national meltdown, um, people buy less.
So our state budget went to a big hole in a handbasket. Because no handbaskets were selling and no sales tax was created.
The Republicans tell usthey knew this was going to happen.
The Democrats apparently didn’t get the memo.
Maybe because they were out of national power when the memo went out during the previous administration.
Today’s opposing party is fond of saying that it’s Obama’s economy now. But really, it was a pretty big economic meltdown that happened during the Bush administration, and it was a pretty deep crater. Did anyone really believe it could be dug out of in a year?
When George Bush took office, the US had an annual surplus of $236 billion. He enacted tax cuts, and we went to a deficit in his first year. Un-financed wars, Medicare changes, and Banker Bailouts, with tax cuts in place, put it around a trillion or ten.
So you put in tax cuts that put us in a hole. Now you’re mad that they’re uncutting those taxes to get us out of the hole?
As far as prediction though, the Republicans were right. I heard them say they had warned the dumb Dems years ago that this day of massive economic cratering would come.
Spoken like a true crater creator.
America, ya gotta love it.

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