Thursday, April 08, 2010

#1222 Healthy Civility

We’ve heard lots of violent passion recently regarding, of all things, health care. And I have to say, it’s remarkable. You wouldn’t think that finding a different way for getting people healthy would be such a big deal.
Such is the prospect of change. If we’d had the blogosphere in the 60s that whole civil rights thing would have been even harder than it was.
Come to think of it, it was pretty hard. LBJ predicted at the time the Democratic Party would lose the South over the issue and he was right. Southern Democrats, notorious for their racism, and swollen with injured pride, flocked to the Republican Party in elephantine droves.
We almost had another civil war over it. In retrospect, it seems like a pretty big hoohah over a pretty obvious conclusion; Blacks and Whites are equal.
We don’t need separate drinking fountains.
But separate drinking fountains and the relative seating on busses were nearly a nation breaker. It certainly cracked the political landscape.
So really, are we at a time in our history where there’ll be a civil war over health care? Are folks ready to secede from this great union of ours over being forced to buy insurance to keep them healthy?
In that case, it’s time to park our seat-belted cars on our front lawns and start throwing all our waste in the yard and toxifying our neighborhoods.
Don’t be forced to buy car insurance or have trash picked up by that private company.
So let’s tamp down the violent language. When I see the histrionic voices on the gripe-o-sphere I think there’s one civil right we should definitely assert.
The right to be a little more civil.
America, ya gotta love it.

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