Thursday, April 15, 2010

1227 Reason Monger

The other day I was reading some article and the author referred to Glen Beck as a fear monger.
It’s too bad when someone gets so famous pandering to the worst instincts of humanity. It too bad humanity are such fraidy cats.
In any event, it got me thinking about the word “monger.” You hardly ever see it alone. As in, I monger, she mongered, they will be mongering.
And, you almost never hear it paired with something good. You got your fear monger and you got your hate monger. But you never hear anyone called a reason monger. Or a happiness monger.
It always kind of negative. I even remember way back, people saying folks who purveyed fish were fishmongers. Not too attractive sounding, but how else you gonna say it? I suppose you could say they were mongers of fish.
But that sounds almost biblical. “Put down your net Andrew and Simon who is called Peter, I will make you mongers of fish.”
Funny, I never heard the term applied to clothing salesman. “Yeah, he’s a clothes monger.” No, clothing merchants were haberdashers. Something to remember next time you need a haber dashed.
The dictionary says “monger” means broker or dealer, but usually used only in conjunction with other words, like alemonger. Another definition says it’s someone who spreads around something petty or discreditable, as in warmonger.
Oddly, the etymology dictionary says “monger” comes from a Greek word meaning, get this, charm.
Language is weird. So what we’re really saying is, Glen Beck is a fear charmer, or Rush Limbaugh is a hate charmer.
Hmm. Sounds almost like a snake charmer. The better to harvest the snake oil they sell I suppose.
Monger? I hardly know her?
America, ya gotta love it.

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