Wednesday, October 01, 2008

#858 Rearview Thinking

So here’s a question. Or perhaps it’s a quandary. Maybe it’s just a plain query.
Why is it when you look in the rearview mirror at a car driving behind you, the license plate letters are reversed but the driver is still on the correct side of the car?
It occurred to me yesterday with that startling clarity of impending death. The driver behind me was looking in her rearview mirror to adjust her makeup. One hand, it was her right one, was adjusting her right eye makeup. The other hand was on the top of her steering wheel, but I could clearly see an open cellphone clutched in it.
I was just glancing at her because I was about to come to a rapid stop because the guy in front of me had stomped on his brakes for a bushy-tailed rodent of some sort scampering across the road.
It’s amazing all you can see when you’re about to become the gooey filling in an automobile sandwich.
And what an odd thought to have as what could have been my last one. Why are the letters on her license plate flip-flopped but she’s still on the correct side of the car?
Because maybe your last thought is the one that determines where you spend eternity. A good and loving thought ensures your entrance to a world of eternal bliss. A hateful and angry one a sure way to be cast into a lake of eternal fire.
Me condemned to an endless brainteaser. Forced to contemplate conundrums for time without end. Marginally mobile on a Mobius Strip of the mind, figure-eighting through eternity, sometimes right side up sometimes upside down, but never leaving the same surface.
An interesting idea. Your last thought the one with which you spend all eternity. It kind of makes you want to think happy thoughts doesn’t it?
Hmm. Next time I’m about to die in a crash I better not look in the mirror. I might accidentally see myself.
And that’s a hell of a view. Or a view of a hell.
America, ya gotta love it.

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