Monday, September 17, 2012

1822 Clint's Stint

Much has been in the news recently about the conventions of the big parties. Or perhaps the parties of the big conventions. The Republicans particularly had some interesting press. Not just because Grover Norquist was busy trying to get everyone signing his "no taxes" pledge. I wish someone would stand up to him. If only because he sounds like a Muppet. Grover Norquist, The No Tax Cookie Monster.
No, the really bright spotlight shown on Clint Eastwood, and his bizarre rambling presentation before the assembled Republicans on the final day of their convention.
What was funny, and what so many of the commentators from both sides of the aisle ignored, was that good old Clint made a lot of remarks that could be taken as damning either side. He said at one point that these people come up every four years and make a lot of promises. You gotta not believe 'em, that's just what they do. Sounds like he was slamming both sides to me.
Then when he was talking about the bad job Obama has done, he aid maybe it was time, maybe we oughta give someone else a chance. Wow... Damn with faint praise. Then he said maybe we shouldn't give the highest job in the land to a lawyer. Forgetting, or not, that Romney has a law degree...
But what got me the most was how the press kept saying Eastwood carried on an off-color dialogue with an imaginary Obama. Nothing of the sort. Clint just said something like, "No, Mr. President, I can't tell Mr. Romney to do that to himself. It isn't even physically possible." Not off color at all. He could have meant sticking his elbow in his ear.
Then again, with a name like Dirty Harry...
America, ya gotta love it.

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