Friday, June 29, 2012

1772 Flaming Obesity

We all know the cost of obesity is killing us. Or if we don't we should. What many don't know is that the food industry has a huge stake in keeping high fructose corn syrup in use in just about everything we eat. We are saturated with it.
In fact, the only really stable culprit in America's cultural rush from XXX movies to XXX clothing has been the addition of high fructose corn syrup to every processed food there is. And us Americans are big eaters of processed food.
I mean dude, we invented Velveeta.
And medical costs aren't the only problem. There's the cost beyond the pale. Or should I say beyond the plate.
The oversize coffin industry is doing land office business. Wedging Uncle Fred, who wore a 48 stout when he was walking around, into yesterday's average-sized 42 regular coffin is a chore even seasoned morticians have problems with. They do minor restorative work to improve the deceased's appearance, they don't whittle.
And then there's the story of the Austrian Crematorium.
Yes, I know that sounds like an fancy ice cream parlor.
But this Crematorium incinerates people like they all do. And it also burst into flames while burning the corpse of a 440-pound woman. Apparently the unusual mass of body fat caused the oven to get too hot, which then ignited the building.
You know, like that old phrase, " adding fat on the fire."
Hard to believe. I've seen a local crematorium's ovens and they are stone, steel, and brick. And they already burn at over 1600 degrees. Bacon fries at 400. So I wonder Austria---good idea to build a crematorium without a sprinkler system?
Probably wasn't the fat at all. The flashpoint of high fructose corn syrup is darn near incandescent.
America, ya gotta love it.

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