Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1463 Snails and Spice

It's funny how we get centered around our own orientations. Recently, as I was putting on one of the numerous identification badges I wear to be identified at those various organizations, I remarked on how many hats I wear in various organizations.
I said, "I'm glad I have these nametags for the various hats I wear. It beats the heck out of actually getting hat hair wearing different hats. At least there's no "nametag hair."
The long-haired woman I was talking to disagreed. Hair does in fact get impacted by nametags, if it's long enough. Tangled in pins or magnets and left to a split-ended ratty result.
Another male/female different orientation on the world. Is this how sexism starts? It probably starts much earlier. Remember that nursery test, "What are little girls made of?" and "What are little boys made of?"
And the sexist answers. Girls were, "sugar and spice and everything nice." Boys were, "sticks and snails and puppy dog tails."
Seems like girls got the better of that one. Sugar? Spice? Everything nice? They're metaphorically sugar sweet, and spicy interesting and heck, forget about metaphor, let's just come right out and make the value judgment, "nice."
Boys? Hmm...
There's this stick, see? Dumb as a post. And then there's this icky gastropod. Who hasn't enjoyed the riveting snail-like characteristics of guys in social settings? And if that's not praise enough, let's invoke a graphic and gory image. Imagine someone cruel enough to chop off a puppy dog tail and incorporate it into his being. Oh yeah, when I think of a boy, I think of a bloody disembodied puppy dog tail wriggling like a recently-decapitated chicken.
Well hey. Girls may be spicy and nice, but that sugar thing can also cause tooth decay.
Neener neener
America, ya gotta love it.

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