Thursday, May 20, 2010

1252 Perverse Psychology

Did you ever get the feeling maybe that whole moral-religious preachy thing ain’t working? Seems like the harder you tell people not to do something, the farther they fall to do it.
Look at all the recent sex scandals, and whom they’re happening to. Priests told to abstain from sex, then having sex with young boys. That famous antigay guy, former head of the ultra-conservative Family Research Council, getting caught at an airport with a Rentboy.
A Rentboy for gosh sake. Dude, if you’ve issued nothing but anti-homosexual condemnations, and you’re a closet homosexual yourself, take a different flight!
It’s amazing. What is it about these folks that they just can’t seem to put a lid on their desires?
I think it’s the rebellion factor. We once used the reverse psychology trick when we wanted people to do something. These violators of their own values seem to be using perverse psychology.
And they aren’t alone. A recent study shows if you want to have the lowest rates of divorce and the fewest unwed teen pregnancies, you’d be better off in a blue state than a red state. Yep, the highest rates of stable marriages are in blue states.
Turns out the red state abstinence-preaching forces kids underground and into bed without protection. Teen pregnancies swell. Early marriages by both teen parents, and teens who can’t wait any longer for their first sex, frequently lead to early divorces, as the kids are too young to handle the responsibility.
Blue staters have sex. They just use protection and get married when they’re good and ready.
And apparently, they aren’t rebelling against some hypocritical adult constantly yammering at them about what the Family Research Council says they shouldn’t do.
America, ya gotta love it.

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