Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#792 X-tras

So, some random thoughts today.
First an extra thought on an essay I did yesterday. I reported a scientific test that determined people eat more when they’re depressed about bad news. The study used college students, who were instructed to spend an hour either writing an essay about their own death or writing an essay about going to the dentist.
Afterwards both groups were led into a room where there were lots of warm cookies. The death writers gorged themselves, the dentist writers only had one or two cookies.
From this, the researchers concluded that thinking about death causes overeating. What they may have missed is that thinking about a painful trip to the dentist makes one want to avoid cavities—and therefore sweets like, um, cookies.
Random thought two. When it comes to large pieces of property, why is it rich people have estates and religious cult leaders have compounds? I suppose you don’t have to be religious. Crazy ultra-rightwing survivalist types have compounds too. But still. They’re just big pieces of land.
Random thought three. I heard an ad the other day for a musical act coming to the northwest. He’s a blues legend. A living legend as they say. That’s got to be interesting getting up in the morning. What pressure. First of all checking that you’re still alive, and then, that you’re still a legend.
Because you can be a dead legend. I mean, it’s pretty much a given. But can you be a living ex-legend?
In any event, this legend’s name is Buddy Guy. Is this not the ultimate generic stage name? What’s his band’s name? The Fellows?
How did this happen? Did he say: What should I call myself? Let’s see. People call me buddy. “Hey buddy, what’s up?” And people call me guy. “Hey guy, how’s it hangin’?”
I know, I’ll keep everyone happy and call myself Buddy Guy.
Random thought four. I saw a flier for an upcoming parade. It gave important times to remember. On that list it said, “Parade starts 11:00 am.” Then it said, “Pre-parade starts 10:30.”
Don’t look now, but the pre-parade has already started.
America, ya gotta love it.

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