Monday, March 26, 2007

#479 Solution

The other day I filed a dissolution petition. Interesting way to put it when you get a divorce, a dissolution petition. First because dissolution sounds so much like disillusion. It’s ironic that two differently spelled words in the English language would come to mean different aspects of the same thing and would sound so much alike. A semi-synonym and a homonym all rolled into one. And since synonym and cinnamon sound so much alike too, the semi-synonym homonym reminds me of some kind of divorce coffee drink. Yeah, I’d like that semi-synonym homonym please. Would you like whip with that? No thanks, I’ve had enough already. The other scary thing about a disillusion petition is it sounds like you have to get a lot of other people involved in the process. Like concerned voters or something. People you can interrupt on their way into the supermarket and have them sign the form attached to your divorce clipboard. Pardon me sir, are you a registered voter? Would you mind signing my disillusion petition? You can see I’m pretty emotionally beat up. Well, no, not whipped actually, more like anti-whipped, ready to strike out on my own. Yeah, see here, lots of people have signed already. Thank you sir. M’am, are you a registered voter?
It might not be a bad idea. Marriage is a way of making public your commitment. So why not have a public say in your dissolution? Make the petition process really that. You can only get a divorce if get enough signatures from people willing to sign up with you. You could get the whole community embroiled in a he said/she said dispute. It would be just like politics.
Speaking of which, it looks like I’m going to have to become a Republican. All of the Republican candidates currently running for president have had multiple marriages. All the demo candidates are still married to their first spouses. Guess it’s nice to know some Republicans understand the concept of an exit strategy.
America, ya gotta love it

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