Tuesday, April 03, 2007

#480 Super Duper

Homonyms always screw me up. Not least because I think I should be in a “don’t ask don’t tell” mode when I talk about them. Homonyms are my downfall because I don’t hear well and then rush ahead with what I thought I heard. I once got talked into seeing this teacher of ancient Chinese wisdom. I sat through the whole lecture thinking they sure named this guy right, because half the things he said were pretty obtuse and the other half were hard to understand. I expected it though, because I thought my friend had said we were going to see a confusion monk. Turns out, he wasn’t a monk at all and more importantly, he was Confucian. Confucianism was the original opiate of the masses religion promulgated by the ruling class to keep the lower orders in the bondage they so desperately needed. Really. It was good for them. Really. That’s why people need leaders. I mean, the Chinese emperors knew that if they had to depend on public opinion and approval ratings nothing would ever get done. Who would fire the prosecutors? Who would leak secret CIA identities to the press? Who would keep the Hollywood liberals in line? It’s all a land of confusion if you ask me. And I’m not sure about the genesis of that idea. Probably that there’s not enough love to go around. Superman where are you now? Alive again, I hope, because they killed off Captain America. That’s right, as if the world isn’t already a dreary, war torn and depressing place, now the comic book folks have killed off Captain America. Upholder of all that is noble and good and true. I guess it’s hard to be a nonagenarian superhero. I mean, the guy was like 30 in 1945 so that makes him what? 92? Hey, well, the nursing home set needs a superhero too. If only to administer the really difficult high colonics. High Colonic. Sounds kind of like a 70s cologne. Is that a semi homonym? And, tell me this Qwai Chang, why does homonym sound like something you can make grits out of?
America, ya gotta love it

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