Friday, December 21, 2012

1888 Micro Topic

I like the way people sometimes describe large ideas in the smallest possible number of words. Like recently I was reading some of the comments in an online news outlet about some political thing or another and one commenter referred to the other negative commenters as "keyboard warriors."
Quite an apt expression. Sort of invoked the scorn of the term "Sunday morning quarterback" or "backseat driver." That sense that these folks have never really made it out of their mom's basement but feel qualified somehow to comment on the real world in the most violent and intolerant manner.
God forbid they should ever walk a mile in another's shoes.
They'd have to, like, you know, walk.
Another term like that is for the most intolerant. The Troll Taliban. Those folks who feed one another's prejudices over the internet. The ones who cling tenaciously to the bigoted social mores of the 19th and early 20th century.
Pick your enlightenment; interracial marriage, un-segregated drinking fountains, women's equal rights. These people will always be on the wrong side of history.
On a lighter note, there's the euphemistic explanation I heard about a power outage in Mason County. The official statement said the power had gone out because a raccoon "came in contact with a substation."
Sounds so gentle doesn't it? "Came in contact." Like the poor thing brushed against an outlet and caused a small static spark. Like touching your key to a doorknob after shuffling across a nylon carpet.
Probably not so gentle and mild. I'm guessing the contact with the substation involved some critter incineration. Mammal Flambé. Barbecued Raccoon.
Then there's my all time favorite short descriptor. Not a euphemism so much as an anti-euphemism. The triumph of mass marketing over Freudian fears.
Preferred brand of keyboard warriors...
America, ya gotta love it.

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