Monday, December 17, 2012

1884 @men

Is nothing sacred? The answer is, no. Nothing is. At least to some. The nature of our diverse world is that no matter what you say, or how sensitive you try to be, you're going to be the butcher to someone's sacred cow.
That doesn't mean you should make your life a walking abattoir, but it also means you shouldn't crucify yourself for every possible transgression. Sometimes the owners of sacred cows need to keep them out of your garden.
So, I was interested recently when the Pope announced he was jumping into the twitterverse. Yep, The Pope is going to tweet. If that doesn't sound sacrilegious I don't know what does. Tweets from the Pope. How solemn.
So, can you tweet in Latin?
The Pope's twitter "handle" is @pontifex, in case you want to "follow" him. Handle. Isn't it cool that twitterers adopted words from ancient CB technology? "We don't have a twittermob, we got us a convoy!"
The cool thing about @pontifex is if you're a devout catholic, what the Pope says is direct from God, so that means God is tweeting too. I guess since they often depict the Holy Spirit as a dove, tweeting isn't out of the question, although cooing would be more accurate.
Speaking of accuracy. The Pope himself had some bad news for Christmas Warriors. He said in his new book that there were no oxen, donkeys or other animals at Jesus' birth and the entire Christian calendar was a 6th century monk's miscalculation.
That's good news for government entities sued by atheists. Nativity scenes are no longer officially religious. Just a bunch of animals and people hanging out near a manger at the wrong time of year.
And hey, no sacred cows there either.
There's something worth tweeting...
America, ya gotta love it.

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