Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1741 Old Band Time

I was reflecting on the ravages of age the other day. Namely, in the world of popular musicians. If it can be said that one of the great things that's made it possible for old friends to connect is Facebook, then it can also be said that one of the greatest things for fans connecting with old musical groups has been casinos.
In the old days a vintage musical group had only county fairs, Las Vegas, and Reno as venues to reconnect with their fans. Nowadays, as casinos have proliferated across the country, aging rockers and crooners have enough places to play to actually make a decent living. So thank you to the casinos for making it possible.
Still, every now and then there’s the odd stuff that crops up as a result. Like recently, I heard an ad for one popular singer. The ad said, "So-and-so...singing all the favorites...and so much more..."
And I thought, all your non-favorites too? What could "so much more" be? If he's singing all the favorites, is "so much more" that much? And shouldn't "so much more" be even better stuff? Maybe instead of "favorites" they should have said "hits." Then “favorites” would be the “so much more." We all have favorites from our favorite artists that didn't make it to the charts. I personally like the director's cut version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.
In a radio ad, the choice of words can mess things up. Better, however, than billboards. I heard the music on a radio ad for an old rock group and thought I might like to see them. Then I actually saw them on a billboard, and changed my mind. They looked as old as me.
Believe me. You don't want to see my face forty feet tall.
America ya gotta love it.

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