Friday, May 04, 2012

1733 Traffic App

New technology is cool. And new tech words too. We have all sorts from the last decade that are fun. Words like "phishing" and "smishing" and "app." We say "copy-and-paste" like we've been saying it for millennia, so deeply ingrained is the procedure. Likewise when we "click" on something or "drag-and-drop" it.
So I really liked it when I heard a new term the other day. It described the process Google was using with their "Street View" recording cars. They weren't just taking pictures of houses with cameras when they went by. They were also harvesting data from open WiFi networks.
What a trustworthy company Google turned out to be. (I hope you weren't one those who fell for their "secure" DNA testing thing a while back.) Anyhow, the process of harvesting that open WiFi data with a specially tuned antenna has a name. It's called "slurping."
I hope they harvested all my junk emails.
Nothing like slurping spam.
Beyond words, I do like how new technology eases efforts. Especially the effort to think. GPS enhanced by that Google mapping has really made it easy to figure out how to get somewhere. Now we need to figure out how to do so safely.
So here's the next app I want to invent. It uses the camera feature on your ironically named smartphone to monitor traffic lights. You know, while you're texting. Then it uses the Siri voice function to tell you the light is turning red. Or if you're stopped, and really texting up a storm, that it's turned green.
"The light is green," it says in soothing voice.
Hopefully it will be hackable. Then someone fuming behind you could make it say, "The light's green dumbass. Put down your phone and drive."
America ya gotta love it.

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