Thursday, April 12, 2012

1717 Potastetology

I was remarking to myself the other day on the amazing progress we’ve made with flavor technology. When I grew up, we had only a couple of chip flavors to choose from¾regular potato chips and Fritos. They hadn't even invented the tortilla chip yet, if you can believe it, much less the Dorito.
When it came to potato chips there were always some generic brands but basically the choice was between Lays and Laura Scudder. I know. there's something about the word Scudder that’s less than appetizing. Sounds like gutter or something, or crudder.
Oh yeah, we also had ridged chips versus flat ones.
When the first Dorito came out it was a revolution, not unlike the first home computer, and when the first flavored Dorito came out it was like the first Apple Macintosh. I believe the original flavor was cheese.
Well we've come a long way from those simpler days of chipology and blossomed into a wonderful world of ever more complex flavors. Forget those earlier primitive chips condemned to tantalizing only small groups of tastebuds with a single flavor. Cheese, Sour Cream, Ranch, like lumbering dinosaurs, or computers with a mere 640 kilobytes of RAM.
Today is the iPad age of chips, with all the flash and bells and whistles your tastebuds deserve. Consider this. I just bought a package of Ruffles chips that were “bacon and cheese potato skins” flavor. There's even an occasional burnt chip in the bag to simulate the real thing.
And it's perfect, because I also have BBQ Rib flavored potato chips and Smokin' Hot Wings flavored potato chips. Now I have the whole meal covered, because with the bacon and cheese thing, I even have a potato-flavored potato chip.
The miracle of potastetology...
America ya gotta love it.

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