Tuesday, April 03, 2012

1710 Compost-ition

I heard someone use the term "non compos mentis" the other day and it occurred to me that it sounds an awful lot like someone's brain has turned to compost.
Which came to mind while I was reading an article about the differences in the way folks think. Scientists had done experiments on self-proclaimed conservatives and proclaimed-self liberals and figured out an interesting thing. When shown a video clip of various scenes, the conservatives fixated on the images of fear and violence, and the liberals focused on peaceful idyllic images.
Obviously they weren't showing a film of the negative effects of global warming.
It points up interesting biological level differences. And certainly good ones for the survival of the species as a whole. We need folks to raise the alarm but we also need folks not to be actually paranoid about it.
Another article talked about a different difference. Conservatives see things in black and white a lot more—absolute rights and absolute wrongs. Liberals seem to more or less see shades of gray and immerse themselves in the nuances of situations. Liberals would call conservatives bigoted and rigid. Conservatives would call liberals wishy-washy namby-pamby and weak.
So it goes. You would think from the above that conservatives hate change and liberals embrace it. True when it comes to personal expression. So do liberals embrace all new projects? Particularly new building projects? Um, no, that’s where they switch hard hats. Or hard heads.
Conservatives are far more liberal about building new developments and buildings. And liberals are far more conservative about leaving things the way they are. Conservatives would call them namby pamby nimbys.
Liberals just want the new buildings to, let's see—be green, look exactly like the old buildings, be painted shades of gray, have built-in compost bins…
America ya gotta love it.

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