Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1537 Sunspot Haboob

Weird Weather news lately. I think God is messing with us. Just when we are at the point where all the massive weather disruptions have pretty much proved global warming and its effects are on us, we're running out of sunspots.
Yep. The sun appears to be entering a calm and cooler stage, which last happened about 400 years ago and led to something known as "The Little Ice Age." That lasted about 70 years. Luckily, our oil reserves should hold out just long enough to keep our planet globally warm and comfortable.
On another weather note, there was this massive dust storm in the Phoenix area of Arizona. And when you watched the video footage on the of it, it really looked like some CGI special effect out of "The Mummy" or something.
What was weirder was what these news commentators were calling it. They said it was a massive haboob. Naturally, I immediately went to the internet and started googling the word.
Something oddly inappropriate sounding about googling haboob.
Anyhow, I had no idea how to spell it so I figured it must be some North African term, maybe Arabic in origin.
So I typed in h-a-b-b-u-b- thinking that might work. Nothing. Then h-a-b-u-, thinking I may have misheard it. Nothing. Then h-a-b-o-o- and bingo, it auto-completed to h-a-b-o-o-b-. And there it was. Haboob. Instead of Arabic, it was 4th grade American boy.
When I followed the link to the American Meteorological Society webpage it did actually list the alternate spellings I had tried and even said there was no completely agreed upon spelling. It also said the word meant "a massive dust or sandstorm in Sudan".
So... It's nice to know Sudan is now a suburb of Phoenix.
And I don't have to feel like a total haboob.
America, ya gotta love it.

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