Monday, July 18, 2011

1536 Un-immigration

"Be careful what you wish for," they say, "it might come true."
A fine aphorism, going back to the fable of the monkey's paw and the three wishes it bestowed. Those wishes led to pain, woe, and suffering, as wishes often do, especially as the law of unexpected consequences takes over.
So remember, monkey's paw bad luck, rabbit's foot good luck, except to the particular rabbit whose foot you currently hold.
Be that as it may, the fine farmers of Georgia have a dilemma. Seems Georgia, in a spasm of the anti-immigration fever that often sweeps our country during dire economic times, passed some of the toughest anti-illegal immigrant laws in the nation. And they no doubt felt they had appropriate cause to do so.
But laws are only laws with the full consent of the people and unfortunately, the shadow world of illegal immigration, like the world of drug trafficking, sprang up because it filled a need. In this case a need to harvest crops.
It was a law ill conceived, like the fireworks law one city in our area recently passed. Because the rest of the cites didn't. And who knows where the borders are. And it's hard to prove who exploded a post-exploded firecracker.
The monkey paw law of Georgia currently has Georgian farmers suffering. It left them with no spare hands to help them harvest their crops. They are desperately looking for 11,000 workers.
And here's the kicker. It’s a job no one else seems to want. Even thought the state unemployment rate is 10 percent, few citizens are willing to lend a hand and pick jobs picking crops. Maybe Georgia can issue temporary un-immigration passes to get the harvest in.
One thing's for sure. It gives you pause to think.
America, ya gotta love it.

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