Thursday, April 07, 2011

1469 Jobs Ahoy

I go this circular in the mail the other day that bore some good news. It was from the Satsop Business Park and they were proclaiming the success of a business there know as Brown Minneapolis Tank.
The heading of the circular said, "Satsop Success Story." To those who think the most important success of Satsop is that they didn't build a nuke plant there, this is a great story indeed. Because the key thing is, they manufacture something at Satsop. Actually make something out of steel right here in the good old USA.
Here, where the only jobs we have left is the Jobs who manufactures all our iPads, Pods, and Phones i-overseas. And he's not alone.
In case you've been wondering about the whole mysterious "jobless recovery" thing, here's some interesting facts. Since the meltdown, American companies have gotten rid of a net of 500,000 payroll jobs. At the same time, they hired 729,000 jobs—overseas.
So you see, the jobs are coming back, they're just coming somewhere else. Ford, the great American automobile success story, employs only 37% of it's total payroll in the US. Foxconn, the Taiwanese company Apple picked to make iPods in China, employs 250,000 people. And it's not just union labor prices that skew things. The average Foxconn employee makes $292 a month.
There's the solution. Lower our minimum wage to $1.83 an hour. We already complain an iPad costs too much. What if it cost a month's wages?
Wonder if there's an app for decent working conditions. I hope so, because it looks like the most important job skill we should be teaching our kids is Chinese.
They may be moving there soon.
Maybe they can work at the Shanghai McDonalds.
America, ya gotta love it.

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