Monday, February 08, 2010

#1180 Changing Chunks

It’s funny how what you’ve being thinking about recently can change the way you take new information in.
Like I was having a discussion recently with a friend about a news item. The news item talked about the quandary faced by many transgender people who are in transition sexually and yet still need to use the public restrooms.
Since the transgender people are neither fully one nor the other, it’s only natural that other patrons of the restrooms are indisposed to accept the presence of someone who is only somewhat the opposite sex.
Not long after that, I went by a public place that had three restrooms: one male, one female, and one that contained a “changing station.”
For some reason, that one seemed like a natural alternative.
Not long after that, I was at an energy conference, and the talk centered on buying smaller electric cars that, instead of recharging their batteries, could go to places where they would swap them out. Exchange a dead battery for a full one.
They called those places “changing stations” too. So when I went into the bathroom at the conference center and there was this fold-down bin on the wall that said “baby changing station” you can imagine what I thought.
And I also remembered how there were times when my babies were really small and whiny and colicky that the idea of a changeling was actually attractive.
I know, I’m not very nice. Still—a “baby changing station”? I think “diaper changing station” would be a more accurate name.
And speaking of weird names. At what point did the word “chunky” become good? I was looking at a can of “chunky style soup” and somehow it didn’t seem as appetizing as I would suppose the manufacturer had hoped.
Maybe because I had just read an article on the epidemic of obese children plaguing our great land. And how they used to say obese kids were a little “chunky.”
So chunks and food are not really a good combo. Especially when some people describe a certain event as “blowing chunks.”
Must be what you do when that soup is a little hot...
America, ya gotta love it.

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