Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#1138 Habitual Talent

One of my many positive, or possibly negative, traits is a mild case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. OCD. (Although OCD always sounds like a computer program to me. An Optical Character Device or something.)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder has its good side. Because, you know, one person’s disorder is another person’s talent. Think about it. If you have a talent for singing, people don’t say you have Acute Anti-Melodious Disorder. You have a talent—that ineffable combination of genes and gene expression that makes you different in a particular way.
So it is with OCD. I harness it for good. I know I have the trait and I can figure out ways to utilize it to benefit both others and me. People like that I get things done. Some would say I was a workaholic. Others would say I was a producer.
I started regular walking about 11 months ago. 3.1 miles a day. Every day. Day in and day out. Rain, snow, rain, sleet, sun, rain, and drenching downpour saturating rain. I’ve never missed a day and I’ve gone over 1000 miles. I’ve lost 15 pounds slowly and steadily and sustainably and I feel fit as a fiddle.
(And I still have no idea what fiddles have to do with fitness. Is it their narrow waist? Is it because they are tightly strung? Or is it because they are naturally inclined to a sense of harmony?)
So while I’m out on my walk last night this guy goes by me with 2 dogs. And I think his talent is acute froo-froo disorder. He needs to accessorize everything he does. He has on a reflective vest, and each of his dogs has on a shoulder harness with blinking red lights. I swear. The problem is, they are those blinky lights that strobe all randomly, so with the dogs moving and the harness stretching from neck to ribcage, it’s hard to tell exactly what not to run over.
So Mr. Froo-froo Accessory created more of a hazard than if he left his poor poochies alone. Idiot. I expected when the dogs backed up, they’d beep like a forklift.
Sorry, my talent for crankiness is kicking in.
America, ya gotta love it.

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